Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cancer Cant Kill Love

      My biggest passion is Parkour, its the only time that i feel actually free and more alive than anything. Parkour isnt about measuring. Its about feel. Its not about limits, its about being yourself. In Parkour you have to discover whats in you.

    I love my friends like family and would take a bullet for any one of them in a heartbeat. I am V.L. 4 Life and proud of it.  I am super confident with myself and pretty much anything, i don't get embraced and there isn't much that i wouldn't do.  I've never been one of the "popular" kids, I've always been a misfit that has never really fit in anywhere and i am okay with that because i am not going to  change myself for anyone.  If you like me "good" if you don't "great."

     When i as 6 years old my dad was diagnosed with cancer, one year later he passed away. This was definitely the hardest thing I've ever gone though and it is still not easy.  He was my best friend and the best man I've ever known.  Cancer can kill a man but it cant kill your love for them.