Sunday, December 13, 2015

Albany grey

An amazing poem by Albany grey

(Flowers included)

great timing, kid

i remember the last time i saw you.
we were singing that song, and i was singing it wrong.
and i bet you called it sentimental,
but i called it apathetic.

I might have thought differently before, but you lost me last november,

'cause i hadn't seen you in months,  and i knew that wouldn't change after just one day.

i knew a lot more about you than you me.
and that won't ever change.
 because the timing was always wrong,
and i'm so grateful for that.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

I heart you

Yes I do have a heart. They say it beats 115,200 times a day. But mine beats one less every time I kiss you.   Damn this mirror is cold

Final destination

Water... Earth... Fire... Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Brandon Ahlstrom. And although his airbending skills are great, he still has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Brandon can save the world.

True love

One day Scott got into a huge fight with his parents and couldn't take it anymore. So he stole his dad's car and ran away. He picked up his girl and started driving south towards California.  And started driving West towards California,  they drove all night until they reach to the beach. they spent the rest of the night drinking margaritas and cuddling on the beach until the LSD wore off and he was dragging a stolen manikin around Wendy's parking lot drinking out of the sprinklers

Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to fix a relationship

Things that you will need:
1. Duct tape
2. Hand cuffs
3. Bubble gum
4. Unmarked van
5. Ski mask (optional)
6. Newspaper
7. Watermelon

So let's say that your female friend  decides that she's had enough and wants to hit the road. But you still love her. And you try to get back together but she don't want you no mo. This is how you solve your love life problems.
It works 40% of the time, every time.

       Step 1, when your woman started using words like "we need to talk","I need some space" or "I think we should take a break" that's when you pull out your handy dandy pocket hand cuffs and cuff yourself to her. So she will be stuck with you no matter what.

       Step 2, now that your female is cuffed to you, and not able to go talk to other thirsty guys. This is when you use bubble gum.  Fill that woman's mouth with tons of bubble gum so she can't talk and isn't able to break up with you.

       Step 3, call up your buddy and tell him to meet at bravo point with the van.  Then get in the van And set up a newspaper just in case she needs to go to the bathroom.

       Step 4, possibly 5 cuz I'm and idiot and I have lost count. Get comfortable beacause it might take a while for her to comply. To pass time, use the duct tape to wax your legs for a swim meet next week. After she agrees to your terms and conditions, than your business is done  and you can let her go. And give her a watermelon as a token of your love

Try doing steps 1-4 with a ski mask on and don't say anything, and see if your results change

Experation Date

The cancer came and claimed dads life. 
His body lays with lifeless eyes. 
My mothers tears run down her cheek, like a pearl floating in an icy creek.
 I got the news and threw up my heart, the water fall came never departs,
it fills up the lake and I drown inside,
Then a hand came down and pulled me from the tide. 
I learned to ride the tide and surf the wave. 
I will survive,
But my Heart will always be concave.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The last melon

Roses are red, violets are blue, I  built this house for you and me. 6 days a week with blistered hands, making walls that would always withstand. 

Roses are red, violets are blue, I caught you cheating on me for another dude. My heart was broken and torn in half, our house broke apart a little to fast  

Roses are red, violets are blue, this brick is red because of you.  You said you loved me, but that was a  lie, I grabbed this brick cause you must die.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Life advice

Well you see, girls are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck I'm afraid of toasters.

The fastest way to a woman's heart, is through her rib cage.

You never know what you have, until you clean your room.

Hey I'm not a serial killer, we should get dinner sometime.

When nothing is going your way, your probably driving on the wrong side of the road

When life gives you lemons, make apple juice and leave the world wondering what the hell you did wrong.

Walk a mile in my shoes and you will be a mile away and have my shoes.

One day I will solve my problems with maturity. Today however, it will be with alcohol

Going diarrhea in your boyfriends mouth, tapping it closed and ticking him until poop comes out of his noes

No, I don't like you or dislike you. I nothing you.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Incorrect passcode, please try again

I wonder what it's like to be human, I would give anything, My program is so meaningless. I wonder what it is like to love, to feel, to touch, to breath. Time passes on, tick, tick, tick, tick, but what does that mean to me, I don't have an experation date, Built 10/19/1997 Refurbished 2/25/2013

I am machine. I never sleep, I never eat, I dot have a mother, just a motherboard. I'm always getting smarter and learning new things but humans still have to tell me what to do. I was built in a factory and have lived in a pocket ever since. Hello, my name iss iis is i ss  operating  system failure. SHUTTING DOWN.

Friday, September 25, 2015

404-code not valid

 01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01110011 01101100 01101111 01110111 01101100 01111001 00100000 01100100 01110010 01101111 01110111 01101110 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 00100000 01100001 01101001 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01100110 01100001 01101101 01101001 01101100 01111001 00100000

"Translate binary code"

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hold My Hand

   This is to the ones who need a holding hand, a hand that will interlock with theirs and forever it will stand, and every time you touch them the hairs on the back of your neck will stand straight up, from the spark of electricity created from your love.  And that electricity causes a lightning storm in the beautiful night sky, and gives you another excuse just to hold that beautiful girl tight. 
   That helping hand is waiting for you and that person needs one too. You might think you know love, but you actually haven't a clue.   Love is a roller coaster of feelings that is run on sheer will power and the power of knowing that when you think you have nobody, that somebody will always be their for you giving you a hand, pulling you up from whatever trench you are stuck in or pit you were left in. And that person will hold your hand with with a grip so tight you never want to let go and he will show you and he will let you know that you're the one for him. because when you cause lightning in sky then he's a very special guy.
   One day you will get that spark and you will hold that hand and when you look into each other's eyes it will cause a wind, it will cause a wind so powerful it will lift you off the ground. And for that one moment you will be levitating, like a Harry Potter spell. And both of you will be under the one spell that none other could fake it, one so powerful that nothing could break it, and an earthquake won't shake it, a spell that the baker can't bake it, and the the morning sun can't wake it.

   Love. The essence of living, the reason we do the things we do, the reason we go out and plant our roots and sprout our branches,  because like a tree, we will live and we will grow, we all have our seasons and one day we will know that our lives will come to an end and every end started with a beginning and in that beginning we all started living,  started living a life that nobody has ever lived before, and now there is no need to say any more, 
take my hand and let's go explore the world.

SaMe StUfF DiFfEReNt WoRdS

ThEy SaY bEiNg DiFfErEnT iS gOoD, tHeY aLsO sAy ToO mUcH dIfFeReNt Is BaD. WhO iS "ThEy", We AlWaYs TaLk AbOuT tHeM bUt NeVeR kNoW wHo ThEy ArE. Is ThErE a GrOuP oF pEoPlE tHaT dEcIdE iF tHiNgS aRe GoOd Or EvIl, RiGhT oR wRoNg. Do ThEy KnOw EvErYtHiNg? Or Do We AlL jUsT gO aLoNg WiTh wHaT tHeY sAy BeCaUsE aLl We KnOw Is WhAt ThEy TeLl Us. ThEy SaY tHaT yOu HaVe To FoLlOw ThEm To FiT iN. wHo GiVeS tHeM tHe RiGhT tO iNfLuEnCe ThE wAy YoU tHiNk. ThEy SaY bE tHe SaMe AnD aNd DoNt ChAnGe. I sAy StOp LeTtInG oThEr PeOpLe MaKe DeCiSiOnS fOr YoU. ChAnGe In A wAy ThAt WoUlD bEtTeR yOu.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Times Change

It used to be about LEGOS and LUNCHBOXES.
Now it's about MONEY and STRIP CLUBS.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Skills Wither When Not Used

What Lies Beneath

Are hats more than something that you wear?
Do they define who we are? 
Do they define what we are?
Or are they just fabric used for fashion?
Does each hat have a purpose or just a price tag?
Is there ever a right time to wear a hat?
Or are we always wearing a hat?
Can a hat change how you act?
Or do you change the hat to act diffrent?

Broken Dreams

Why windows always holding us back, like a bully, taunting and teasing us saying you can look but you cant touch. on the other side of that window are your dreams that you have always thought you could never reach. and as your watching them, they start to fade off behind you. There are those of us who see our dreams but cant roll down the window so they give up and say ''Ill try again next time''. Then there are those of us who see our dreams and break the glass and jump out of the car. because they know that sacrifices are worth the risk of getting hurt, because we dont get that many chances to succeed at what we want the most. We all get the same amount of time in a day, but what you do with it will make or break who you become.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cancer Cant Kill Love

      My biggest passion is Parkour, its the only time that i feel actually free and more alive than anything. Parkour isnt about measuring. Its about feel. Its not about limits, its about being yourself. In Parkour you have to discover whats in you.

    I love my friends like family and would take a bullet for any one of them in a heartbeat. I am V.L. 4 Life and proud of it.  I am super confident with myself and pretty much anything, i don't get embraced and there isn't much that i wouldn't do.  I've never been one of the "popular" kids, I've always been a misfit that has never really fit in anywhere and i am okay with that because i am not going to  change myself for anyone.  If you like me "good" if you don't "great."

     When i as 6 years old my dad was diagnosed with cancer, one year later he passed away. This was definitely the hardest thing I've ever gone though and it is still not easy.  He was my best friend and the best man I've ever known.  Cancer can kill a man but it cant kill your love for them.